Sunday 27 June 2010

First sale of vegetables from the Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm

Saturday 26th June was a big day for The Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm – we sold our first vegetables! We'd just got to the point where there was too much for us to eat, so it seemed like a good moment to start selling!

Here is our very first customer with her bag of spinach at the Ripple Food Coop, held alternate Saturdays in the centre of Ipswich.

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Monday 21 June 2010

Dead Pigeons

Pigeons are a massive pest. Given half a chance they would east all my brassicas (I cover them in fleece, though I may try enviromesh in the future) and they are massing daily on the clover green manure that covers half the field. So I am delighted when a friend, Bob, comes and shoots them once a week. Even better, he gives me some to eat and I have just enjoyed roast pigeon for tea with the very first of the carrots and spinach from The Oak Tree. Soon I hope to have enough vegetables to sell!

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